Sacred Womb Awakening

* New Course Coming April 2025 *


Why enrol on this Sacred Woman Awakening Course?

Have you seen that woman that everyone feels drawn to look at? It’s like they have a magnetic attraction – you can’t help yourself. It’s not their looks, doesn’t matter what they are wearing, whether they have makeup on or washed their hair - This woman simply radiates being alive. Young or old- they draw you in with their inviting energy – you want to get to know them – try and figure out why they are so………What? What is it about them? 

You are witnessing a woman who is truly comfortable in her own skin. She has connected to her Inner Self whether that has been a conscious journey or came naturally to her. She understands what it is to be in her Divine Feminine Energy and is able to feel safe within her body. 

I remember the first time I saw a woman like this – I was struck by her in an awe I have never forgotten. She radiated health, self-confidence, laughter, and light. She was probably 70 years old, but her youthfulness and her eyes were lit up from inside.  

Sacred Woman Awakening is a transformational journey that allows you to reconnect and discover your true self - your Inner Sacred Woman. This is who you were born to be before life got in the way and you adapted to societies´ expectations. Your Inner Sacred Woman holds the greatest potential for creativity and expression within her.

This journey of knowing has not been passed down through generations in the Western World. Understanding what it means to be a woman isn’t taught in schools. 

This course is for you if you are ready to connect to your Womb space, listen to your inner guidance, release, and heal that which no longer serves you and take responsibility for your life path.  

Techniques used include meditation, Shamanic journeys, visualization, intimate sharing, gentle movement releases, breath work, vocalization, drumming and educational learning.

  • Do you find it hard to be grounded and implement practical change in your life? 

  • Do you feel undervalued as a woman?

  • Do you lack a community and sisterhood of spiritually minded women? 

  • Do you struggle to discern what is true for you or to trust your intuition? ´

  • Are you lacking life purpose and direction? 

  • Are you stuck in a “masculine” mode of being and doing?

  • Are you tired of attracting the same kind of “wrong” relationships again and again?

  • Are you struggling to overcome sexual trauma or abuse?

  • Do you feel drained by your relationships?

  • Do you get stuck in co-dependent relationships?

  • Do you feel stuck in the relationship patterns of your family or origin? 

  • Do you struggle to get your ideas off the ground?

  • Are you dealing with a miscarriage, infertility issues or gynecological health issues? 

  • A new sense of self-worth and self-respect 

  • Stronger personal boundaries 

  • Ability to attract healthy masculine energy 

  • Freedom from abusive sexual and relationship patterns 

  • Greater connection to your physical body 

  • Noticeable changes in health

  • More physical presence and self-confidence

  • Freedom from old sexual trauma and pain  

  • Freedom from ancestral sexual and relationship patterns  

  • Freedom from outworn relationship patterns

  • More physical presence and self-confidence

  • Pregnant

  • Have PTSD or any other severe mental health illness

  • Are currently processing recent Womb-related trauma 

In these cases, Julie-Maria can offer you an opportunity to discuss personalised care on a one-to-one basis to meet your unique requirements.

Course Details

Course Price

** EARLY BIRD Price until March 2025 - €1,080 **

Payable in 3 x monthly installments of €360 per month

Normal Price - €1,200

Payable in 3 x monthly installments of €400 per month

This includes all sessions and their recordings, plus membership to the private Telegram Group, where Julie-Maria will be sharing "Tips and Tricks" and providing support through the course from Monday-Friday between 10am - 6pm CET.

Course Dates & Times

Course Time: 9:00am Tulum / 3:00pm UK / 4:00pm CET

Course Dates:

April ~ Friday 4th April l 11th April l 18th April l 25th April

May ~ Friday 11th May l 18th May l 25th May

June ~ Friday 2nd June l 9th June l 16th June

Course Outline

Click on the link below to see the course outline and details on each of the ten modules the course will cover. Each session will take approximately 2 hours.